On Thu, 5 Aug 2010 14:27:20 -0400,
  Grace Lin <graceli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Could you please share your experience if you have done site validation
> above 1GHz per CISPR16-1-4 (S-VSWR) for a 3m semi-anechoic chamber?  I would
> like to learn how much work involved to meet this requirement.  More
> specifically:
> 1. How much absorber need to be added?  I was educated absorbers must be on
> the floor between EUT and antenna.

It will depends on the site.
You will need absorbers on the floor as you say, and maybe you
need them also on the turntable especially for large ones,
and maybe also need absorber walls when reflection from the walls
caused problem.

> 2. What is the model of the absorbers that works for the purpose?

We use Riken PFP30 (http://www.riken-kankyo.com/en/denpa.html),
and I think other absorber manufacturers can propose suitable

> 3. Is there any commercial available fixture to move antenna between test
> points/location?

I know one, http://www.toyo.co.jp/page.jsp?id=10047, although
I don't use nor even evaluated it.

Now, we simply put the antenna on a polystyren block and slide
it manually.

> 4. Is there any special equipment needed?  I have two of 3117 horn antenna
> and an Agilent N5182A in my workplace.  Do I need to have a power amplifier?

You need transmitting antenna complying CISPR 16-1-4.
If you use 3117 as the transmitting antenna, maybe you will
get very good SVSWR in error.

I think network analyzer or tracking generator is very useful.


Tomonori Sato  <vef00...@nifty.ne.jp>
URL: http://homepage3.nifty.com/tsato/


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