Peter and Christopher,

Thank you very much for your replies.  They are both helpful and I deeply
appreciate your assistance.


On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Carl Newton <> wrote:

        I have a customer that is exporting a home/business device to Japan.  
device uses a typical AC/DC brick with the PSE category A mark on it. The
device itself is rated + 12 V dc input, so I believe that only the brick is
subject to the DENON law. 
        My question concerns this requirement for one 'importer of record'.  Is 
customer required to have an importer of record for his device rated +12 V dc
(excluded from the law) because he is exporting the 3rd party brick power
supply with the PSE Mark?  Is it possible to rely upon that power supply
manufacturers 'importer of record' and simply export this product to Japan
with no additional burden?  
        One issue being faced here is that my customer has two importers in 
that don't compete with each other.  But it may cause a problem in that the
DENON law requires that there be only importer of record.
        Thanks in advance,


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