In message 
<>, dated 
Thu, 7 Jan 2010, Bryce Stammerjohan <> writes:

>Any reason why you need radiated susceptibility at such low 
>frequencies, when other products/standards assume that there is little 
>or no coupling of relatively small devices (even 2 m tall ones) to RF 
>waves on the order of 10+ meters long?  Will it have very long, exposed 
>external cables?

There can be unforeseen resonances with on-board reactive components. 
The antenna need not be that long, a few metres may be enough. At 560 
V/m, there could be sparks and smoke. I have seen an AM radio with just 
a fried antenna coupling coil, probably due to a not-very-nearby 
lightning stroke, not even noticed by the receiver's owner
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK
I should be disillusioned, but it's not worth the effort.


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