
I want to make transfer impedance / screening effectiveness measurements on
the outer screen of a multicore screened cable. The most common standard
referenced for this is IEC 96-1 which appears to have become IEC 61196-1
e.nsf/mysearchajax?Openform&key=61196&sorting=&start=1&onglet=1> >.

The test requirements appear to be split into sections with the numbering
convention 61196-1-1xx.  However I can't tell from the limited previews and
index which section contains the information on screening effectiveness


1) Does anyone know which section of the standard contains the info on
screening effectiveness measurements? 
2) Do I need the 61196-1-1 generic standard too or just the specific
3) Is this even the correct standard? 

Thanks in advance, 

James Pawson 
Leading Hardware Engineer 
EchoStar Europe 
T: +44 (0)1535 659000 
e: james.paw...@echostar.com 


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