In message <>, dated Wed, 9 Sep 2009, Luke 
Turnbull <> writes:

>As Derek said, UKAS document Lab 34 would be a good read for more 

Yes, this is quite helpful.
>This document will (I think), tell you to divide each number by sqrt(3) 
>before adding them using root-sum-squares. 

Only if the probability distribution is rectangular (i.e. all values 
within the tolerance range are equally probable).

For Normally-distributed variation (I write 'N' to indicate that this is 
a special meaning), the variation is theoretically unbounded, so it has 
to be curtailed to something that has a high level of confidence - 
probability that it does not hide an error. The accepted confidence 
level is 95%, and for that the uncertainty value is divided by a 
constant k, whose value is 2. (95 % (0.95) is the fractional area under 
the Normal distribution curve between sigma = -1.96 and 1.96, 
approximated to +/-2. This isn't explained in Lab34, nor in CISPR 
16-4-2; it just 'appears'.)

For U-shaped distribution, the divisor is sqrt(2), and for triangular 
distribution it is sqrt(6).

But, as usual, nothing beats reading the document yourself.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
Things can always get better. But that's not the only option.
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK


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