And to expand on the C of A topic there are a few main scenarios I have seen:

1. A reasonable list.
2. Populated with everything by a lazy engineer at the agency who picked
everything on the menu.
3. Populated with everything because the vendor didn't really want to test
their component.

Vendors of components should keep a watchful eye on the engineer at the agency
to avoid #2 and keep the C of A list to the absolute minimum.  Helps out the
end user a lot.

End users of components should avoid vendors who resort to #3.


From: Bryce Stammerjohan [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] what is a permanent label - UL R/C program


Short (kinda) answers:

1 - To make it easier for end product mfrs to use, say a Tamura transformer,
without having to pay for a full transformer evaluation (spacings, overload,
temp., etc.) each time the same unit is submitted (plus it puts a little money
in their pockets).

2 - Since Recognized Components (R/C) are by their definition incomplete
products (as opposed, say, to a DVD player) the C of A's in the R/C report are
there for easy guidance of the UL end-product test engineer, so they have a
condensed list of things they must review when testing the DVD player with the
R/C Tamura transformer that could affect the safety of the DVD player.  It
helps the UL engineer by not making them go back through (especially in the
days before electronic record keeping where it might take days to get the
original test data for said Component) to review the work to see what could
affect their evaluation.  Since most end product test engineers there are not
well versed in the vast array of R/C in the products they see.

former UL'er

MOO - my opinions only, not any former or current employer's.

From: Brian O'Connell []
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] what is a permanent label

Since I am the chair of the Stupid Questions Committee, I must ask what is, in
fact, the purpose of the UL Recognized Component program; and what is the
purpose of any conditions of acceptability in the UL component reports ?


From: []On Behalf Of American Idle
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:16 PM
To: Gartman, Richard
Subject: Re: what is a permanent label

Some Standards will tell you outright (example; 60950-1).  If you use UL 969
approved labelling systems and pass your permanence of marking test, you
should be OK.  Keep in mind any special environmental conditions (extreme
cold, UV exposure, etc) and that the label stock may need to be specifically
approved for the material you are expecting it to adhere to.

For some reason, UL is now requiring you to pass the permanence of marking
test, rather than just accepting the UL 969 labels.

-Ken A.


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