Hi All,

Its that time again and I have posted my latest Technical Tidbit (about 120
posted now): Construction of a Series 50 Ohm Termination

Abstract: A shielded series 50 Ohm termination can be a useful addition to a
troubleshooting kit. A simple way to construct such a termination is presented.

Discussion: There are many uses for a series 50 Ohm termination (not to be
confused with the parallel 50 Ohm termination used with some less expensive
oscilloscope inputs). One of these uses involves modifying the frequency
response of current probes. Another use is to match impedances. For instance,
a 25 Ohm resistor can be used to match a 50 Ohm load to a 75 Ohm source.
Another interesting use will be covered in the May 2009 Technical Tidbit next

Separately, I have been working on a new website (old one will continue as
well) that will be different than anything I have seen in the engineering
world. My daughter, who is about to graduate from the University of California
in EE, and I have been generating content for the site which will include
technical cartoons, weekly tech news and analysis programs, short technical
videos in Flash format (for cross operating system compatibility), as well as
audio podcasts - all free. We are pretty excited about the new site which will
be online around May 1st. I will post an announcement when it is online.



    ___          _       Doug Smith
     \          / )      P.O. Box 1457
      =========          Los Gatos, CA 95031-1457
   _ / \     / \ _       TEL/FAX: 408-356-4186/358-3799
 /  /\  \ ] /  /\  \     Mobile:  408-858-4528
|  q-----( )  |  o  |    Email:   d...@dsmith.org
 \ _ /    ]    \ _ /     Website: http://www.dsmith.org


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