Good to get updated info about IC, Dennis. 
Is there a fee to request a  RF test report from Industry Canada?
what is the process to get a copy of a IC test report may help many 
manafacturers/test labs.
We do file confidentiality for our Block diagram, Schematic, theory of 
operation to IC.
Not sure what part is kept confidential?

 From: Dward <>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2013 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
Sorry Ron but your information is quite outdated.
It should not be assumed that Canada is a slam dunk for confidentiality or that 
all documents can be held confidential.  While it is true that Canada (IC) does 
not go out of its way to make documents available, Canada does have a right to 
access law, and Canadians can request documents that do not have 
confidentiality requested by the manufacturer.
Also, due to this “Right to know” law, Canada, at least recently, has refused 
to accept confidentiality to test reports, user manuals, internal and external 
They allow confidentiality for block diagrams, schematics, operational 
descriptions, parts lists and tune up procedures.  Canada also does NOT have a 
temporary confidentiality system.
A Canadian confidentiality request can contain items such as manuals and 
internal photos, but before this is granted, IC must be contacted directly on a 
case by case basis.  The days of everything confidential in Canada is over. 
Dennis Ward
Senior Certification Engineer
This communication and its attachments contain information from PCTEST 
Engineering Laboratory, Inc., and is intended for the exclusive use of the 
recipient (s) named above. It may contain information that is confidential 
and/or legally privileged. Any unauthorized use that may compromise that 
confidentiality via distribution or disclosure is prohibited. Please notify the 
sender immediately if you receive this communication in error, and delete it 
from your computer system.  
From:Ron Pickard RPQ [] 
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
Previous contributors have given good information and I’ve had no experience in 
which a TCB or the FCC have charged extra for a confidentiality request.
Here in the USA, details of what can/cannot be held confidential and under what 
conditions are generally found in FCC Part 0 (0.457-0.459 I believe). Also 
refer to Public Notice DA 04-1705 and the FCC’s marketing regulations found in 
FCC Part 2.803 for further guidance.
In Canada, requests for 100% confidentiality are usually granted by Industry 
Canada (mostly because they don’t make any documents available on their REL 
listings page anyway).
I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Ron Pickard [] On Behalf Of Michael Derby
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 7:43 AM
To: 'itl-emc user group'; EMC-PSTC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG
Subject: RE: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
You cannot get confidentiality or even short term confidentiality on a test 
You can’t keep the results private, sorry.
David is correct in his summary below.
Michael Derby
Regulatory Engineer
ACB Europe
From:itl-emc user group [] 
Sent: 30 January 2013 05:15
Subject: Re: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
In my experience, TCB’s don’t charge extra for confidentiality unlike the FCC.
I have not heard of short term confidentiality for a test report.
Internal photos can be kept confidential only under certain circumstances such 
as the device being filled and sealed with epoxy. Permanent confidentiality 
request for schematics, block diagram and parts list is given without any 
David Shidlowsky| Technical Writer
Address1 Bat-Sheva St. POB 87, LOD 71100 Israel
Tel972-8-9186113 Fax 972-8-9153101  Web
Fill out Customer Satisfaction Survey
Global Certifications You Can Trust [] On Behalf Of Mark Gandler
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 9:50 PM
Subject: RE: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
You can submit 180 days Short term request for confidentiality pretty much on 
most of the  information (phots, manuals, test setup) and later on ask for 90 
days extension.
The longer the request higher the fee
There is also an option for permanent confidentiality request on some of the 
more critical info: block diagram, schematics. There is also a fee for that. 


Subject: RE: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 21:27:46 -0800
Wow, I never knew about this source. This will keep me up all night!
Ed Price
Chula Vista, CA  USA
From:Bill Owsley [] 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 8:40 PM
To: Ed Price
Subject: Re: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
and explore from there...
>From:Ed Price <>
>Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 10:05 PM
>Subject: RE: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
>I didn't realize that the FCC releases any information to the public, other
>than cross-referencing to your approval status. Do you mean something like
>the information in your FRN (FCC Registration Number) that you have in order
>to do business with the FCC?
>BTW, I think it would be really great if I could access the test data
>submitted to the FCC for things like Part 15 compliance. For one thing, as a
>consumer, I could use that as a component of my purchasing decision. For
>instance, if I were buying a DC to AC inverter, I could look at several and
>be able to choose which one had the lowest emission signature, which is a
>lot better than just the assurance that they all passed the limit.
>Ed Price
>Chula Vista, CA  USA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Merguerian [] 
>Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 6:47 PM
>Subject: [PSES] FCC & IC and Product Information
>Dear Members
>How long can we prevent the FCC or IC from releasing any testing/product
>information to the public?
>Sent from my iPhone
>Peter S. Merguerian
>Go Global Compliance Inc.
>(408) 931-3303

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