First off, many thanks to all who replied on and off list.

Most of the replies we had already addressed, but here is an update.

To re-cap, we had a sealed metal box with just a power cord, and that power 
cord had feed through type caps. In theory this should not radiate.

To save the agony that we went through what was finally identified was on a 6 
layer board, 6 traces left the sanctuary of a ground or power plane and were 
routed directly over a thin chassis plane that was incorporated to increase the 
number of chassis connections that we really needed on this board. Even though 
internal, we were able to break that connection and emissions reduced close to 
30 dB. A board re-layout is needed to really fix this issue.

As part of the debugging process, we also found that since the board chassis 
layer was "backfeeding" the Ethernet connector housing metal and the "grounding 
tabs" were just not adequate for bonding. The result was current on the outside 
of the case that cause the enclosure to radiate pretty much equally in all 
directions... Can I patent this? :-)

The lesson here is that if you do bring chassis onto your PWB, and we do as a 
means to divert ESD and some RF current, that you keep it well away from 
internal high speed or sensitive traces and ideally confined to the region 
around where it's used.

After our mods, we now have dropped from 20 dB over class A to about 13 dB 
under Class B.

A big thank you once more to everyone that replied!!! Seasons Greatings to all.


L F Research

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