
Correct.  In fact, the required notice on the product or in the manual 
explicitly states that your Part 15 device is not offered any protection 
against interference.  Of course, it isn't supposed to cause any interference, 
either.  The limits were designed to provide a reasonable level of protection 
against interference to radio services (and television is just radio with 
pictures).  Protect your neighbor from you.  Not you from yourself.  And in 
this case the limits have been wildly successful.  One could argue that the 
limits are overly conservative, but that's a fight I am not going to get 
involved in.  I'm too old and will be long gone before that one would be 
remotely close to being resolved.  :-)

Ghery S. Pettit

-----Original Message-----
From: Dward [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] radiated emissions testing may understate actual emissions, 
an example using a class D stereo amp

I do not want to speak for Mike Violette, but what I think he is referring
to by interference is the fact that, while the FCC could care less if two
part 15 devices interfered with each other, they do care if part 15 devices
interfere with licensed services. And it is in this area that the 'issue has
been solved' by the 'amazingly conservative' class B limits.  

Dennis Ward
Senior Certification Engineer
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-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Nute [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] radiated emissions testing may understate actual
emissions, an example using a class D stereo amp

On 6/4/2014 9:47 AM, Mike Violette wrote:

"Class B limits are amazingly conservative, to which large populations of
devices ascribe."

Try using an ordinary AM radio beside a compact fluorescent lamp
as on a beside table.

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