Greetings Mr. Nute,

See below.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Nute []
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: [PSES] OSM decision

What is the purpose of the MOV in this situation?

As SPD, and to push me one step closer to madness

What is the MOV Joule dissipation rating (can it

dissipate the expected overvoltage)?

NO - at least not by my calculations - and the MOV will, during some line/load 
conditions,  probably start conducting a few mA during 'normal' operations

Is the MOV protected by a fuse?

Fuse on line input. And doubt that it would pass the G.8 stuff in 63268-1(but 
submittal is 60950-1)

(An equipment d.c. bus is not likely to have

high-voltage transients.)

AC mains input to this equipment, so must assume the box will see at least 2500V

-----Original Message-----

From: Brian Oconnell


Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:56 AM


Subject: [PSES] OSM decision

Was reviewing customer's construction where a 475V

MOV was across the (floated) 420Vdc bus. Said this

was bad idea, and they referred me to OSM/EE

decision sheet 09/01 for EN60950-1:2006; which

says ok to do whatever you want with a VDR on

primary side that is not connected to mains. Can

think of more than one SFC that would result in

this combination of circuit configuration and

component ratings making a mess.

Any record of TC108 having affirmed this?



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