

I seriously doubt that our technical regulatory requirements (at least in
the compliance area in question) will change that much as they have always
been prepared and applied with a "soft touch" approach.


We trade with both Europe and the RoW, and the technical standards of most
countries (except notably for those which have followed traditional
US/Canadian requirements and standards) are mostly IEC-based and so it would
make no sense for the UK to do anything else. Anyway, we will hopefully join
the EEA and those countries have to apply the same overall requirements and
standards as the EU. For example, as John Woodgate said in another thread,
about the EMCD, it would make no sense for the UK to loosen its EMC
requirements - especially in today's World where poor EMC control is a
threat to many areas of commerce, industry and the domestic environment. 


The military-side standards are nowadays heavily driven by the need to buy
equipment from whichever  countries and suppliers can provide it - and a
single platform may incorporate items from multiple suppliers. 


There have been, and are, ongoing efforts to "harmonise" MIL-STD-461 and DEF
STAN 59-411 (and the parallel standards of a number of other European
countries) - do a search on the "Allied Environmental Conditions And Test
Publications" (AECTP) and you will find a number of NATO standards which
could be relevant, notably AECTP 500 "Electromagnetic Environmental Effects
Test and Verification" (January 2011)


I expect that to continue - but there are likely to be continuing
differences in specific areas as no two defence organisations have exactly
the same technical requirements and expectations as their fields of ops may
differ (think of the differences between the requirements naval carrier ops
for top-side and below-decks equipment, or between airforce aerial platforms
and land-based equipment).


As for the overall "burden" of regulations, I think that the tech regs
requirements are not really the problem area - it's more those
business-operations and finance (etc) regs where the burden is most keenly
felt, especially, it is said, by SMEs. Other areas which cause particular
concerns to some regions of the UK are those related to the environment and
energy, off-shore fishing quotas, and especially immigration & border
controls - where the UK (or what is eventually left of it if, e.g. Scotland
decides to hold another independence referendum and then leaves) is at odds
with many other EU Member States and the Brussels central governing
organisation on what it is allowed to do, or not.


John E Allen

W.London, UK

PS: I voted to Remain - but let's not get into another of those discussions
are they are interminable and get a lot of people very annoyed (been there,
done that, over the last couple of days L)




From: Ed Price [mailto:edpr...@cox.net] 
Sent: 26 June 2016 12:11
Subject: [PSES] Brexit and the European Compliance Complex


Now that the UK has voted to withdraw from the European Union, how will this
affect the regulatory compliance landscape of the UK market? I have heard
that trade into the EU represents about 6% of the UK's GDP (is that true).
If that is so, then will the UK assert its own national compliance
structure? Will the UK simply copy the existing EU compliance Directives,
Norms and Standards (as they were already published in UK versions), or will
the UK feel it necessary to have a complete new system? (I recall that the
British MoD decided on this second option, essentially rewriting the US
MIL-STD-461 as their own DEF-STAN 59-41 and then 59-411.)


Is there a sense within the UK that having to follow the numerous, complex
and opaque EU regulations (sorry to have to say that, but that seems to be
>80% of all our conversations now) has become onerous and that a move to UK
national regulations would be a chance to simplify and eliminate burdens?


The current UK government was not enthusiastic about Brexit, so are there
any predictions about how happily and efficiently it will move to complete
the withdrawal (I understand that they have 2 years maximum). However,
assuming that the current government does move ahead to comply with the will
of their nation, what are the first significant changes that will affect
both UK companies and foreign companies trading with the UK?


Ed Price
Chula Vista, CA USA



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