
I am researching requirements for switchgear in Europe and there are two 
prevailing series of standards: 60947-x and 61439-x. These series of standards 
are both produced by TC 121/SC 121A and there seems to have more than 
significant overlap in their scopes..

It does appear that 60947-x are for individual devices, while 61439-x appears 
to be for assemblages of devices, perhaps any number of 60947-x devices. I'm 
not certain I have that right.

I have seen products the identify compliance with 60947-x and don't mention 

Neither standard series is mentioned in the list of harmonized standards for 
the LVD and are not excluded in Annex II. The application is for less than 1 

Some 60947-5-x are mentioned in the Mach Dir., but 61439-x are not. (For the 
end-product application, the MD does not apply, though low voltage switchgear 
is in scope of the MD.)

Interestingly, several 60947-x and 61439-x are mentioned in the list of 
harmonized standards for the EMCD.

I note that the CENELEC web site identifies these standards as intended for use 
to demonstrate conformity with the essential requirements of the:

  * LVD

  * EMCD

  * RED

and of these three, only the EMCD mentions any 60947-x or 61439-x standard. 
CENELC doesn't mention the MD at all, except for 60947-5-3 and 60947-5-5, which 
is at least consistent with the lists of harmonized standards for the MD.

How does one choose the correct standard(s) between the two series?

I am aware of 61439-0, but haven't yet purchased that document to discover what 
guidance it can give.

Peter Tarver

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