Greetings.  I have a question regarding labeling of radio equipment in Brazil 
and Japan.

Suppose we have a product with an integrated WiFi module.  U.S. FCC Rules are 
clear that the end product must have a visible label that states the equipment 
contains a module with FCC ID: xxxxxx.   I think there is something similar for 
Canada IC certification.

However, are there similar regulations for the Brazil Anatel certification or 
the Japan MIC certification?  Neither of these certification marks on the 
module will be visible or accessible to the user after the module is 
integrated.   However, I cannot find anything in the Anatel or MIC labeling 
requirements that state the end product needs any labeling for the integrated 
module.  Common sense tells me there should be a label, but our product design 
team of course wants the fewest number of labels possible.  If it's mandatory, 
there will be no argument, but I can't find anything in the regulations that 
says it is mandatory.

Can someone on this list provide me a little guidance?

Thank you.

Jim Hulbert
Pitney Bowes


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