All -

I am planning to transition a few "legacy" products from EN 60950-1 to EN 
62368-1 for CE marking purposes.    I have 2 questions:
1.  Clause 4.1.1 of EN 62368-1 contains the statement:  "Components and 
subassemblies that comply with IEC 60950-1 or IEC 60065 are acceptable as part 
of equipment covered by this standard without further evaluation other than to 
give consideration to the appropriate use of the component or subassembly in 
the end-product. "   I understand this is temporary for transition purposes and 
will be deleted in future editions, but in the meantime does this apply to 
internal power supplies that have their own safety agency certification & mark 
under standard IEC/EN 60950-1?
2.  EN 62368-1 has requirements for "instructional safeguards" which include 
labels conforming to IEC 60417.   The legacy products currently have labels 
that convey particular hazards but are not in conformance with the EN 62368-1 
or IEC 60417 standards.  Is it permissible to leave the "non-conforming" labels 
in place or must they be replaced with new labels?  Can the non-conforming 
labels stay in place if a new EN 62368-1/IEC 60417 label is placed alongside?

Thank you.

Jim Hulbert

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