Insertion of emoji, uncommon fonts from external tables, extended unicodes, etc 
into on-line documents can be problematic. And ability of a word processor 
running on Windoze, to find the correct table in a corporate setting, is also 

If for marketing, not much of an issue. If for a safety engineering 
publication, you might be making an irreproducible document. The First Order 
and the Klingon Empires will not tolerate an emoji in an official document, so 
only useable by a limited subset of some earthlings.

Join the Empire. Crush the rebellion.


From: Mike Sherman [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Handy tip for inserting symbols in document text.

Rich, Doug, et al --

I was absolutely unable to type U+26A0 in Microsoft Word 2010 (running under 
Windows 7)) and get the exclamation point triangle to insert. I was able to get 
other symbols, such as the Aquarius symbol U+2652, to work. However, I can't 
get Rich's U+2614 to insert, either.

My IS tech support guy suggested that Microsoft Word 2010 simply has not been 
updated to recognize this U+26A0 combination.

Has anyone been able to get U+26A0 this to work in Microsoft Word? If so, what 

Rich: what versions of Word and Windows are you running?

Some handy references in my quest:


Mike Sherman
Graco Inc.

From: "Richard Nute" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 3:54:03 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Handy tip for inserting symbols in document text.

Hi Doug:
Here is a list of emoji codes to follow “U+” in Word and Outlook.  I only 
tested one, U+2614, ☔, but I would guess they all work.  I highlighted the code 
and then ALT x.
Best regards,
From: Doug Powell <> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 11:51 AM
Subject: [PSES] Handy tip for inserting symbols in document text.
I often wiU+2614shed for a way to simply "type" certain symbols within the text 
of a Word document instead of inserting graphics and then struggling with 
various text flow and alignment problems.  Today I discovered a neat way to 
insert the triangle exclamation point symbol as text within a document using 
unicode characters (Not sure why this never occurred to me before).
Open MS Word and simply type U+26A0, with no other punctuation or characters 
hit Alt-X and you get ⚠.  From here you may resize, bold or use font coloring 
as needed (italics are a little weird).  I believe this works in MS Word 2007 
and onward, probably in MS Outlook and it appears to be working right here in 
my gmail account.  These keystrokes do not work in MS Excel but you can 
copy/paste from a document as needed.  This successfully printed to a PDF files 
as well.  I have not tried using these codes in autocorrect just yet but 
hopefully that will work too.  Sorry, I cannot speak to other platforms or 
software, just MS products on this one.
With the vast array of unicode symbols, this opens a whole realm of 
possibilities for me when writing company documents and procedures.
All the best, Doug
Douglas E Powell

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