Dave,    As with you, I have helped many companies write their MDoC or MDoInc; 
I typically get called in toward the end of a design project and am asked what 
needs to be done to get CE marking on the product, and am engaged almost right 
away with a project that is on a fast track.  The MDoC is always done on the 
American company’s letterhead and is signed by the designated person who has 
the authority to commit the company (not allowed to ask the janitor to sign).  
I carefully explain to the signer that they bear personal liability under EU 
law.  I also  develop a document that lists all of the technical documents 
supporting the MDoC (the list of TF documents) which is signed off by the 
project manager or higher (which provides confidence to the MDoC signing 
manager that the details have been carefully taken care of and are organized 
for retrieval down line).  The American signer of the MDoC understands that 
they are at arms-length to EU law until they appear on EU soil (I always 
recommend careful introspection into these issues before planning a Riviera 
holiday :>).  Hence, the EU desire for an EU Authorized Rep.  


                The inclusion of the EU AR on the same document is a company 
decision, in my opinion, and should not be done lightly.  Some companies 
consider adding a distributor or some other contact without consideration of 
the issues or consequences.  When I have the opportunity I do point out these 
issues and encourage the development of a contractual relationship with the AR 
before their name is added to the MDoC.  Because this has not been considered 
the additional time/effort involved usually interferes with the product 
introduction schedule and the need for the MDoC immediately.  

                Of course, there is always room for improvement next time.  


:>)     br,      Pete


Peter E Perkins, PE

Principal Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs Consultant

PO Box 23427

Tigard, ORe  97281-3427




IEEE Life Fellow

 <mailto:p.perk...@ieee.org> p.perk...@ieee.org


From: Nyffenegger, Dave <dave.nyffeneg...@bhemail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] MD clarification of the DoC


Ha, ha, I have written many DoCs and DoIs with the two names for my current 
company.  Fortunately we already had resident employees in the EU that could be 
used to meet the technical file requirement.  But before I started writing the 
DoCs it was clear whomever created the prior DoCs had not a clue understanding 
the requirements and no EU resident/address was included.


It’s understandable that the signer of the DoC may not be in the EU as they are 
typically within the manufacturer’s organization responsible for the product 
compliance and/or manufacturing or company signatory if they are not an 
authorized rep. 




From: Regan Arndt [mailto:reganar...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] MD clarification of the DoC


Thanks Pete for that history lesson.....


My confusion lies on the fact that 2 different people and addresses can be on 
the MDoC. One for the DoC as a whole and one for the compiler. If I understand 
you correctly, it seems that it will be easier for the EU courts to 
fine/imprison someone in the EU (person that 'compiles' the technical file) 
versus one outside the EU (i.e. one who can sign the MDoC (& ultimately is the 
responsible person). That's how I read it....don't know why the directive 
didn't just say the signer (responsible person) of the MDoC must be on EU soil.


.......oh, btw, I have yet to see an example of a MDoC with 2 names and 2 
addresses though.......despite seeing other multiple errors on these....


On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 11:34 PM Pete Perkins 
<mailto:00000061f3f32d0c-dmarc-requ...@ieee.org> > wrote:

Regan,  A little ancient history:  

When the CE marking system was set up it was apparent by the early reactions 
that the developers of the system never envisioned that anyone but a European 
would sign the MDoC and be legally responsible for the equipment safety.  (I’ve 
always said they are looking for someone to arrest since there is legal 
criminal liability for signing the MDoC falsely.)  Failing to set up the 
process the way they envisioned it, 2nd best is to have a European person 
available who can bear the responsibility; don’t be fooled that the Euro 
contact only has to provide the TF upon request.  That being said, any European 
asked would not accept the responsibility lightly and want legal, contractual 
assurances that the non-European company would provide needed legal and 
financial support to defend them and the company.  Getting this done has been 
left to the Directives  and there is no uniform way applying it broadly to all 
Directives, MDoCs and products yet.  (I’m surprised that the EU bureaucrats 
haven’t worked this out yet; they did it for the CE marking.)  Moreover, 
non-Euro companies have been dragging their feet on meeting this requirement 
even when it is in a Directive, such as the MD you mentioned.  This avoids the 
initial cost of setting up a contracted representative,  any ongoing cost to 
maintain the representative and, minimizes the chances of being drawn into any 
expensive legal battle over challenges – either procedural or equipment 
incident related.  It is so easy to sell over the internet and ship the CE 
marked unit to the Euro customer and have the payment flow to the manufacturer. 

                Remember your mother’s mantra: be careful what you ask for; you 
might just get it.     


:>)     br,      Pete


Peter E Perkins, PE

Principal Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs Consultant

PO Box 23427

Tigard, ORe  97281-3427




IEEE Life Fellow

 <mailto:p.perk...@ieee.org> p.perk...@ieee.org


From: Nyffenegger, Dave <dave.nyffeneg...@bhemail.com 
<mailto:dave.nyffeneg...@bhemail.com> > 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] MD clarification of the DoC


Regan, “So, a European must compile it but he can store it somewhere in i.e. 
Timbuktu......... strange.”


I don’t take ‘compile” too literally,  they are looking for a contact in the 
EU, one that can be easily contacted who can provide a copy of the technical 
file on request.  How the person gets it or where they get it from is not of 
concern.  This individual is distinctly different than one who signs the DoC 
and different than authorized representative, although it could be the same 
person as you have pointed out.  The Blue Guide probably has some words on 
this, it’s been a while since I’ve looked at it.   Technical file requirements 
vary across directives.




From: Regan Arndt [mailto:reganar...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 1:44 PM
Subject: [PSES] MD clarification of the DoC


Hello folks. Hope you are all enjoying the festive season thus far!


I was wondering if any of you knew the rationale behind requirement #2 in the 
Machinery Directive and why the other directives do not have this? (as you can 
see, this is over & above the authorized rep (#10) signing the DoC). 


Excerpt below:




2. name and address of the person authorised to compile the technical file, who 
must be established in the Community;


10. the identity and signature of the person empowered to draw up the 
declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative.


It's odd because in Annex VII, in section 2, it states:


The technical file does not have to be located in the territory of the 
Community, nor does it have to be permanently available in material form. 
However, it must be capable of being assembled and made available within a 
period of time commensurate with its complexity by the person designated in the 
EC declaration of conformity. 


So, a European must compile it but he can store it somewhere in i.e. 
Timbuktu......... strange.



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