The actual paper version of “Electric Current Abroad”  (“ECA”) was around in 
the early 1990’s when I was working at BSI’s Technical Help to Exporters” 
(“THE”) service, and, even then, I was pretty sure  that it had quite a few 
errors/”generalisations”!– so I really do wonder if it ever got comprehensively 
updated before  that PDF version was prepared, because, since then, far more, 
and more specific, info has become available via the internet and people in a 
huge number of countries??? 


Therefore, I would, again, treat info in ECA with that proverbial “pinch of 


John E Allen

West London, UK.


From: Douglas Powell <> 
Sent: 28 October 2020 23:04
Subject: Re: [PSES] Electric Current Abroad


This does look useful. The Electric Current Abroad PDF document also provides 
the number of wires from which you can possibly surmise the phase 
configuration. This almost appears to be the same data converted to a web page. 
I'm doing something similar on My Drive and combining ISO 2-letter country 
codes, travel advisory lookups, etc. and using query() for lookups. Surprising 
how much can be done in google sheets for scraping external website data.  


In the end, the power requirements need to be agreed upon in the customer 
contract, but getting ahead by providing a suitable product without 
customization is always a good idea. 


Thanks a bunch!  





Douglas E Powell

Laporte, Colorado USA








On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 3:19 PM Scott Aldous < 
<> > wrote:

Hi Doug,


Have you seen the list from worldstandards? It doesn't cover the phase 
configurations directly but does have a column for number of wires.


On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 1:48 PM Douglas Powell < 
<> > wrote:



In the distant past I struggled to learn what were the expected electrical 
voltage, frequency, and phase configurations (delta, wye, high-leg, etc) for 
commercial/industrial facilities in various countries. I know about IEC 60038 
standard voltages, but standard voltages don't always represent real life in 
specific locales. What I wanted was a good country-by-country listing for three 
phase power. The source I most often used was 
"";. A 2002 
reprint of the 1998 document, and now a broken link. After a generic search of <> , It seems it is no longer available.  


Yes, I realize the information was getting old but finding no up to date 
alternative, I searched elsewhere.  And besides, It's not likely that such 
things like this change rapidly.  


Google Books: Link 

Wayback Machine: Link 


I seem to remember a place on the web with a database lookup. Does anyone know 
of a comprehensive resource for three-phase power in this world?  No need to 
refer to orbital platforms, the moon, or other planets just yet. 


Thanks!  Doug




Douglas E Powell <>


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Scott Aldous | Regulatory Compliance Manager | 
<>  | 650-253-1994





Douglas E Powell <>


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