Stuart Stevenson wrote:
> Gentlemen,
>     I don't want to be pushy. I haven't seen any reference to the
> homing problem for a few days. Is it still receiving some attention? 

At this point, I'm almost certain it is a PPMC hardware or driver
issue.  In previous emails I've outlined the test that would prove
that one way or the other.  Now I'm waiting for you to run that test.

In a nutshell: start EMC, start halscope, attach one channel to
position feedback from the encoder, attach another to the index-enable
pin on that encoder, set the scope to trigger on a falling edge of
the index-enable signal, arm it, and home the machine.  The scope
will trigger when EMC finds the index pulse.  If the position feedback
doesn't drop to zero at that instant, there is a driver or hardware

I really don't want to type up a huge step-by-step dissertation on
how to use halscope without some input from you.  If you've used an
oscilliscope before, halscope won't be too strange, and simple
instructions would do.  If you haven't, then I would have to write
detailed step-by-step, anticipating every mistake you might make.  To
be honest, that is incredibly hard to do by email.  It would take me
more time to write the instructions than it would take you to
follow them.

Do you have an internet connection to the PC that runs your machine?
If not, can you get one (even temporarily)?  A connection would let
you log onto the EMC IRC channel while you are AT the machine, and
we could walk you through the process step-by-step.  There is just
no substitute for being able to pass information back and forth every
few seconds, instead of once or twice a day.

Of course, to do that, someone needs to be online at the same time
as you are.  Your emails are sporadic, so I don't know what timezone
you are in or when you work on your machine.  I usually am online in
the evenings (USA eastern time).

Oh, I just remembered - you are the one with the paranoid IT guy
aren't you?  He probably has visions of IRC as something like AOL
instant messages, full of teenagers saying things like "l33t h4xxor
d00d, I g0t pr0n 4 u".  Our channel is not like that!  Try showing
him the links below - they are logs of a couple of routine days on
#emc.  Its a mix of shop talk, people helping each other use EMC,
discussing features and/or bugs, and yes, some idle chit-chat.  But
no script kiddies or "h4xxors".  Such people would immediately be
kicked out of the channel.


John Kasunich

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