I've been trying to pin down follow tracking error in that after I run 
Axis.ngc my dro doesn't agree with the position according to the Axis 
display.  After trying many things as far as acceleration and velocity 
settings  I thought maybe I ought to take a look at what was coming out 
of emc.  Using halscope connected to the parport pins that drive the 
motor driver I could't believe what I was seeing.  As I jogged at 
maximum velocity hal showed an increasing frequency as the table 
accelerated, but then the displayed frequency decreased after the 
acceleration period and then increased again as it entered the 
deceleration phase, finally decreasing to zero as the table stopped.  If 
the halscope scaling is correct, the max frequency reached was around 
400 hz during acceleration and deceleration  After the acceleration 
phase the frequency slowed to zero as the table stopped.  The rise and 
falltimes were 0.5 ms.  Yes 500 uS.!  Maybe I should mention that I am 
using the quadrature stepper.

I then looked at the signals with a real scope and didn't see that 
anomly.  As expected, the frequency increased as the table accelerated 
reaching a maximum of 1 Khz after the acceleration phase and decreased 
to zero as the table stopped. Rise and fall times were less than 1 uS. 
So maybe the problem is I don't know how to use halscope or maybe its 
frequency response is very slow.  Can any one educate me on this?

Jack Ensor

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