Jack Ensor wrote:
> The suggested value in the ini file Traj section for a 3 axis mill for 
> MAX_ACCELERATION seems excessively high.  The way I figure it for a 
> coordinated move, the maximum would be 2 times the individual axis rate 
> (assuming that all axis are assigned equal values).  In my particular 
> case with a maximum value of 2.0 for each axis, a value of  4.0 should 
> be satisfactory for the Traj section.  Any comments on this?

The accel numbers will depend on the machine - the suggested values are
just that, suggestions.  You need to decide what is right for you.

If your maximum velocity is 2.0 (2 inches per second, assuming an inch
machine), and your accel is 4.0, then it will take one-half second to
go from stopped to max speed.  For some machines that might be exactly
what you want.  Other machines can go from zero to max speed in a tenth
of a second or less.  And some very massive machines may want to do it
even slower.


John Kasunich

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