On Friday 31 August 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi Patrick,
>I recently added a rotary axis to my little mill and didn't have any
>problems - maybe I didn't think about it enough... ;-)
>Anyway, if its of any use to you, here is the relevant bits of my ini
>#+ machine specific settings
>STEPGEN_MAXACCEL =              396.0
>AXES =                  4
># COORDINATES =         X Y Z R P W
>COORDINATES =           X Y Z A
>HOME =                  120 0 90 0
>LINEAR_UNITS =          metric
>ANGULAR_UNITS =         degree
>CYCLE_TIME =            0.010
>MAX_VELOCITY =          1.4
>MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY =          20.5
>### # Axes sections
>#+ Fourth axis
>TYPE =                          ANGULAR
>HOME =                          0.0
>MAX_VELOCITY =                  20.0
>MAX_ACCELERATION =              10.0
>STEPGEN_MAXVEL =                20.5
>STEPGEN_MAXACCEL =              39.0
>BACKLASH = 0.000
>INPUT_SCALE =                   100
>MIN_LIMIT =                     -36000.0
>MAX_LIMIT =                     36000.0
>FERROR = 5.0
>HOME_IS_SHARED             1
>HOME_SEQUENCE             3
>HOME_OFFSET =                    0.0
>HOME_SEARCH_VEL =                7
>HOME_LATCH_VEL =                 -2
>HOME_USE_INDEX =                 NO
>HOME_IGNORE_LIMITS =             NO
>and the pins bit of hal....
># finally connect physical pins to the signals
>linksp Xstep parport.0.pin-03-out
>linksp Xdir  parport.0.pin-02-out
>linksp Ystep parport.0.pin-05-out
>linksp Ydir  parport.0.pin-04-out
>linksp Zstep parport.0.pin-07-out
>linksp Zdir  parport.0.pin-06-out
>linksp Astep parport.0.pin-14-out
>linksp Adir  parport.0.pin-16-out
>I haven't set up my limit switches yet on any of the axes as, for what I
>do, they seem to often get in the way and give me 'limits exceeded' errors.
>My machine is home built and the rotary axis uses a 90:1 worm and wheel
>driven by a 200 step stepper in half step mode. HTH

Thanks Ian, this fills in several blanks in the config I tried to build. I'm 
in the middle of carving some big (for that mill) bearing support blocks for 
mine ATM, but I'll check this out when I can afford to lose my locations.  I 
have some smaller 50oz motors I can rig with a belt drive to fit that little 
4" table, so I see more construction in my future after I get the 2nd 
replacement Z setup installed on my micromill.  I also noted the x axis seems 
to have worn some play in the thrust bearing, so that will need attacked at 
some point using a smaller version of this same axial load ball bearing.

What drivers are you using?  xylotex here, unforch, 3 axis so I'll have to rig 
something or get the bigger 4 axis board.

Cheers, Gene
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