
Here I'm again. You will remember my previous mails related to stepconf and the 
configuration dificulties I was suffering to make my EMC runing properly on my 
Dell laptop.
Now, fortunately I have resolved the problem and I would like to share with you 
my experiences just in case they clould be of some help to others.
The sequence of events were s follows:

- UBUNTU / EMC 2.1 installed
- Latency SMI issue identified
- Latency issue resolved applying your recomended actions
- Problem testing axis from stepconf. The axis (any axis) were not working 
properly, loosing steps and steppers making a lot of abnormal noise
- A lot of different timing configurations tested through stepconf without 
- EMC and stepconf updated to last version (2.2.2)
- Every thing remain the same. No improvements.

At this stage, I was convinced that the problem probably was related to my 
laptop and being so interested in EMC, I decided to buy a desktop for my 
workshop and so I did (Pentium IV 3 Ghz).
I downloaded the latest version of the "Live CD" and installed a brand new copy 
of UBUNTU / EMC 2.2.2.

- No latency problem this time
- I started stepconf and applied all parameters required for my system.
- I tested the system from stepconf and ¡horror!, every thing resulted in the 
same problems as before.

Now (unfortunately too late), I was sure that the problem had nothing to do 
with hardware.
I started analising in detail the generated files from stepconf, mainly the 
.ini and the .hal files and discovered the following:

- No matter what numbers you put in stepconf for steplen, step space, dirhold 
and dirsetup, the generated .hal file reflect wrong data. In my case, the 
following requested numbers were (I use Gecko drives):

- steplen  4000
- stepspace 500
- dirhold 20000
- dirsetup 1000

and the corresponding lines in the generated .hal file is allways (no matter 
what numbers you input):

- setp stepgen.0.steplen 1
- setp stepgen.0.stepspace 0
- setp stepgen.0.dirhold 50000
- setp stepgen.0.dirsetup 31000

I just changed in the .hal file the data for stplen and stepspace to the wrigth 
numbers and tested the machine (outside of stepconf) and ¡finally!, every thing 
was working perfectly as I would expect.
May be some of my findings are obvious to some of you but, being new to EMC 
(and Linux) they were not so obvious for me. And having used the last version 
of stepconf, I still do not understand these problems, as according to the 
information passed in previous e-mails, in this last version the axis 
configuration issues were already fixed.

Thanks for your attention

Best regards

Jesús Bas
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