EMC2 has 3 outputs for spindle control (that I see) PWM Output, CW and CCW on 
the Parallel port. I have a simple relay board I made using grayhill solid 
state relays. These relays are opto-isolated. Because my relays are 3A 140v 
rated and my rotozip is 5am motor, I used 3 of them in parallel to comfortably 
run the rotozip with lots of amp headroom.

I don't know what the effect of connecting my SS relay board to the PWM output 
would do. Since my relay board is SS its not like I have armatures that will 
arc and sieze or something due to PWM switching. But I don't know how the 
rotozip would take to quickly switching power on and off in a PWM situation. 
Anyone here attempted this sort of thing? Is the PWM output always duty cycled? 
Or is there some setup to make it always on or off. I was only intending on 
manual speed control until I find a good deal on a real spindle and controller. 
Should I just connect it to the CW output and use that to switch spindle on/off?

Also: If anyone has information on a decent spindle for a good price please let 
me know. (maybe direct email.) I will cut a lot of soft aluminum, plastics and 
some wood. I have a moving table design with solid parts, linear bearings and 
ball screws.

Btw: the relay board was cut and drilled using emc2 and it worked well.


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