Ahhhhh. How right you are!

Thanks, Jim C

             ben lipkowitz                                                 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             r.org>                                                     To 
             Sent by:                  "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" 
             emc-users-bounces         <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>   
             @lists.sourceforg                                          cc 
                                       Re: [Emc-users] Fw:  Request for    
             02/15/2008 02:03          Fonts                               
             Please respond to                                             
             "Enhanced Machine                                             
             Controller (EMC)"                                             
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Actually, if you flip the arcs over so they go the right way it turns out
pretty good. Only the characters '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' have any problems, at 
least on
the two fonts I examined so far (scripts.cxf and normal.cxf)

AXIS is the fancy 3d GUI that comes with emc2. It has a toolpath preview
and you can execute/load/preview scripts that print g-code just by
pressing the reload button. Handy for developing stuff like this.

If you know C and regular expressions you'll find my script familiar
enough - if you have any questions about it I'd be happy to answer them.

Congratulations on getting your machine running.

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> There have been several things I have noticed in the CXF files.
> - All arcs in the fonts are done with counter clockwise moves (G3).
> - Some of the radius are large (parenthesis has a 13 unit radius).
> - There does not seem to be much thought into optimizing the commands
>      from a motion standpoint.
> For instance, the number '0' is ten different arcs and they are not in
> any particular order.  My code does not attempt to optimize anything, I
> just convert each of the commands to G-code and leave it be.  The result
> is a lot of unnecessary Z axis moves that could be removed.  That's
> something I will deal with later on.
> I am pleased with the results.  The fact that I loaded EMC on a cheap PC
> and can run stepper motors via the parallel port is amazing.  My formal
> education included automatic control systems (30+ years ago) and I
> understand enough about what is being done to be very impressed.
> During my initial setup, I discovered my motor drives were taking almost
> a millisecond to make a single motor step yet EMC was sending step
> commands out much faster (10 micro-seconds).  That caused me to change
> to simple motor drivers and let EMC handle the actual motor phasing.
> That did the trick for me. It all works and now I have a really cool
> machine that does what I need.
> I understand the limitations of steppers vs servo systems and went with
> steppers just so I didn't have to deal with encoders.  It's a little
> slower but much more simple.  I like to keep it simple.  It's magic to
> watch the machine run.
> I am not familiar with python.  I have no idea what AXIS is either.  So
> for now, I have to stick with C.  I need to take a look at python just
> to learn about it.
> I am new to this group and appreciate all the support.
> Thanks to everyone!
> Jim Combs - Lexington Ky
>             ben lipkowitz
>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             r.org>                                                     To
>             Sent by:                  "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>             emc-users-bounces         <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>             @lists.sourceforg                                          cc
>             e.net
>                                                                   Subject
>                                       Re: [Emc-users] Fw:  Request for
>             02/14/2008 09:12          Fonts
>             PM
>             Please respond to
>             "Enhanced Machine
>             Controller (EMC)"
>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             sourceforge.net>
> Inspired by Jim's example I decided to make a python script that converts
> cxf to g-code on the fly:
> http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/cxf2g.py
> http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/cxf2g.png
> It uses g2 and g3 for arcs. The interface is non-existent right now; just
> edit the script and open it with AXIS.
>   -fenn
> On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I converted normal.cxf to normal.ngc
>> I chose to make the arcs using a series of line segments (G1) using 5
>> degree units vs using the G3
>> command.
>> Here is a link to the file.
>> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/uploads/normal.ngc
>> I will convert the rest of the fonts tonight.
>> Jim Combs - Lexington, Ky
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