On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 04:05:28PM -0500, Jeff Epler wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the next bugfix release of the EMC 2.2 series,
> version 2.2.4.  This version fixes many user-reported problems.

Just a note about bugs that are listed as stepconf bugs: if you were
affected by a stepconf bug in an earlier version that is fixed in this
version, follow this procedure to update your .hal and .ini files based
on your original stepconf configuration:

1. Start Stepconf through Applications > CNC > EMC2 Stepconf Wizard
2. Press "Forward" once to skip the initial screen
3. Select "Modify a configuration already created with this program"
4. Press "Forward" again
5. Select the .stepconf file you saved the last time (these appear at
   the bottom of the list in the dialog box, below the configuration
6. Click Forward though each remaining page
7. Click Apply on the last page
8. If you put any bug workarounds in custom.hal, remove them.

Now your regenerated hal and ini files will no longer be affected by the
bugs in the old version of stepconf.

If you prefer to use the terminal, you can bypass the GUI and simply run
    stepconf -r ????.stepconf


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