On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 08:14:00AM +0100, Ian W. Wright wrote:
> why does a low accel round corners more than a fast accel.? 

By default, the emc trajectory planner tries to keep the greatest speed
possible while touching each commanded line (or arc) in at least one
spot.  It does this by "blending", which means overlapping the
deceleration part of one move with the acceleration part of the next

By default (G64 without P-) the entire deceleration phase is going to be

When you specify a tolerance (G64 P-), only the deceleration phase that
is also within P- of the specified end point is a candidate for being

The reason that the deviation is greater for a machine with a low
acceleration is simple:  The lower the acceleration, the greater the
distance you have to travel before reaching a given speed.  That
distance is the distance from the programmed endpoint where emc will
begin to blend away from the specified path.

My own little machine has an inifile acceleration of 35 in/s^2 and the
trajectory planner algorithm uses half of the available acceleration
during blending, so it can decelerate from a cutting speed of 12 in/min
in 11ms.  In that time it travels only 1 mil (in metric: 900 in/s^2
inifile acceleration; F300 mm/min, 30 micrometer stopping distance).  So
even without setting a tolerance, there's essentially no deviation from
the programmed path visible on the part. (stuff like backlash and screw
irregularity almost certainly contribute more to error!)

If your gcode will be running on a machine with different
characteristics, then simply remember to program G64 P- with a tolerance
value of your choice.  Cutting speed will be lower at corners, but the
cutter is guaranteed to move to within P- away from the programmed
endpoints.  Or program G61 so that emc will always move exactly to the
programmed endpoints (but the cutting speed will drop to zero at those


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