I want to bring up to date you about my sleepless night and my .write function.
Please read my lasts messages to understand my problem.

First, I have commented the addf hm2_5i20.0.write servo-thread line in
the configuration file and
I have launched EMC2. All works right, but there's no write function
latched to servo-thread.
After I have executed in the terminal the command:

halcmd show all (output very long and I can copy only the last part)

dmesg (entire response)

The output are available in my site: http://www.robomatek.com/files/test.txt

After, I have made a proof... I think that to solve the problem it's
better to split the part to understand which make problem.
So I have made a .hal file that I have executed by terminal after
start up the realtime.

After loaded the source file, I have put "halcmd start" in the command
line, and my PC crashed down!... Fortunately, I have saved the "dmesg"
response in a file.

Here, the .hal source file: http://www.robomatek.com/files/test.hal
and the dmesg response: http://www.robomatek.com/files/error.txt

I think that in this file there are important clues to solve my problem.
Thank you!
Thank you!

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