John Kasunich wrote:
I could go on and on... what about coolant? Metal cutting almost demands some form of coolant or cutting lube. Even if you are just hitting the work with a spritz of WD-40 every so often, it makes a mess that needs to be totally cleaned up before putting wood on the machine.

I think I'll drop the idea of working with metal, for now -- that's not a pressing need.

I've been looking at the website for solsylva home-built machines, and they look simple and cheap enough that it's a way I could get started learning the technology on a system that can do useful things, without blowing the budget. It doesn't look like it could do metal, but it looks like I could build it for a reasonable investment in time-and-money and see how it ends up from there.

It looks like I could make some really neat wooden/plastic parts with the 13x13 fixed-gantry machine or maybe more with one of the bigger machines. If I were to build the wrong machine, it looks like I could reuse most of the parts that I would buy. If I really need to do metal, I can re-evaluate my needs at that point. Also, I currently have a Dremel, a trim-router, and a plunge-router, any one of which that I'd be happy to sacrifice for a project like this.

Does this seem like a good way to get started?


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