Marty Swartz wrote:
> Thanks, Chris!   I agree with Sven, you've made G41/G42 perfectly clear.
> I've spent the last several hours banging my head against my NEXT challenge,
> one that I'm sure that many of you have been through. I want to use a .25"
> endmill to cut a hole 0.505" in diameter. My (fruitless) approach so far has
> been as follows. (Sorry for the G-English)
> a) start at x0y0,
> b) G42 to get tool comp
> c) G1 out to a point on the .505" circle.
> d) G02 in a circle, ramping down .1" in Z
> e) G02 in a circle, ramping down to .2" in Z
> So far I can't even write code (using expressions and named parameters) that
> EMC will accept. I'm clearly in that amazing space where "experience" would
> indicate a viable clever way to proceed. However, I am not yet experienced,
> and today I certainly not clever enough? Can who is both of these point me
> in a useful direction? (Ultimately I want to mill a number of these into a
> single blank.)
The approach after the G42 is the key. Presuming the center of the hole 
is at X0 Y0

x1y-.5   (this puts the cutter below and right of center)
g42dxx   (xx being your tool number from tool offset table)
g1x.1y-.2525f2 (bring tool close to start and with offset and feed at 2)
x0y-.2525z0  (brings tool to Z zero and at lower tangent to the hole)
g2x0y-.2525j.2525z-.1  (tool will describe a circle with a radius of 
.2525 above the start point of Y with Z going down to -.1)

repeat previous G2 line with lower Z's until thru part

g0z.1 (raise cutter to clear part)
g40(turn off offset after clearing part, ask me how I know)

copy and paste above and check it out on the preview

> Hoping to wise up sooner or later,
> - Marty
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Sven Wesley <> wrote:
>>That was one of the best descriptions of G41/42 I've ever seen. Great

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