> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Joni [mailto:alex.j...@robcon.ro]
>>Greg Michalski wrote: 
> > To all EMC2 users and enthusiasts:
> >
> >
> >
> > In coordinating with Dale Grover off list I offered to print up some
> > backdrops for the EMC presence at NAMES here in Toledo, since there's a
> > kind
> > member with a CD duplicator in our midst negating the need for my
> > offer of assistance, and I still wanted to lend a hand.  So now I reach
> > out
> > to the list for your help - I need PICTURES of your machines!  Lots and
> > lots
> > of pictures!!! (well not too many.)  I'm thinking machines of all shapes
> > and
> > sizes, from custom builds to conversions, wood routers to behemoths,
> > anything that has EMC2 moving it around.  The higher res the better, I'm
> > aiming at 24x36 plots.  So clean up your shops, take some good pics and
> > can showcase the variety of machines running on EMC2.
> >
> I love this idea, and if you get pictures, I would also like to make a
> section at www.linuxcnc.org where we could properly present them.
> There is atm a section with user machines in the wiki:
> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?Case_Studies
> but these are all pictures for webreview, not for printing.
> Regards,
> Alex

Alex - I will definitely pass them along.  I have one email so far but I
need to setup an FTP option as his pics must've been too big since the
preceeding email didn't come through, just the follow up description email.
I am hopeful that we can get a decent number of pics in time for the show,
hopefully everyone has their brooms out this weekend...(hint hint HINT) :--)


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