>From: Kirk Wallace <kwall...@wallacecompany.com>
>Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Limit switches

>I personally, would try to install the inputs needed for a full
>complement of limit and home switches. You can use cheap PCI dual
>parallel port cards:
>(for other applications, one caveat is this card may not be compatible
>with Pluto cards)
>that will give you more than enough I/O. In my opinion, this will make
>the machine much easier to use. Also consider using two "switches" for
>the homes, one on the slide and another on the screw (or configure as
>index on encoder setups). This will allow a much more accurate home, so
>that you can conveniently reuse setups between power downs.
>If you could post a description and pictures of your setup, this would
>help draw more opinions (if that is what you want ;).
 Many thanks Kirk for the reply, I am used to the old AHHA system that
also had plenty of I/O being on a 37 pin plug.
In AHHA if you hit say X+ you couldn't move further onto X+, only X-
which was a good system.

If I use a card such as you have listed and used one input per switch
will it act the same as the AHHA in that jog is only valid in the
opposite direction ?

I probably wasn't specific enough in my first post.


John Stevenson
L Stevenson [ Engineers ]

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