Rich Amaral wrote:
> Hey guys,
> This is purely a machining question.
> I'm currently retrofitting the lead screws on my home built cnc router  
> with ACME thread screws. Yes, I run EMC2. The screws are about 3 feet  
> long by 3/8 in and need to be turned a bit at either end to fit the  
> stepper motor coupling and bearing (at the other end).
> I have a Craftsman professional lathe (much like an Atlas) in decent  
> shape. After turning both ends to size, I discovered the screw became  
> warped (about 37 thousandths, a noticeable amount). I don't think the  
> screw was warped before, although I'm not 100% sure. That leaves me  
> and the way I held the screw in the lathe (I think).
> I held the screw by wrapping some copper around the threads and  
> clamping that portion in the chuck, leaving the remainder of the screw  
> sticking out the left side of the lathe. The screw wobbled a bit but  
> nothing that looked too bad, at least to me. Could this have warped  
> the screw?

Hard to say - depends on how fast it was turning, among other things.

As an aside - long thin things sticking out the left end of the lathe 
can be VERY BAD.  Above a critical speed (which isn't necessarily that 
fast), centrifugal force can make the part abruptly turn into a giant L, 
and the end whipping around can smash the hell out of anything nearby, 
including you.

> More importantly, how should the screw be held in the lathe to prevent  
> warping or other damage during machining? Thanks!

One step to take would be to turn and bore a bushing that fits nicely 
into the left end of the spindle, and holds the screw centered at that end.


John Kasunich

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