Hello EMC Users/Developers

I'd like to bring up the discussion about Realtime Ethernet in EMC
again. There were several discussions about this topic, from RAW
Ethernet packages over RTNet to full fledged EthetCAT or SERCOS.
The problem with the latter seems to be the not so open, so called
open licenses and the special slave hardware involved rendering this
technology not so well suited to the very low budget home cnc builder.

Recently I stumbled upon Ethernet Powerlink. They claim to offer
a true open Realtime Ethernet protocol under the BSD license.
Cycle times down to 500us with standard Ethernet Slaves and down
to 100us with special hardware.


The open license makes it interesting for opensource projects like

So far there does not seem to be any very low cost hardware available
with Powerlink interface yet, But at least there is hardware available
like digital/analog IO, drives and so on. This is a great plus compared
to eg. RTNet. (There do not seem to be any products supporting RTNet,

Furthermore the OSASL seems to be working on mainline Linux Kernel
integration of their Ethernet Powerlink stack.

So, what do you guys think? Could Powerlink based products be a
possible future replacement for the current pci cards and parallel
port hardware in EMC, or at least be a good alternative to it?

Maybe there will be open hardware projects with powerlink interface
like e.g. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/osmc/ or low budget commercial
products like http://pico-systems.com/ and http://www.geckodrive.com/


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