Hi all

I have X11 now up and running. these two options in xorg.conf helped:

Section "Device"

        Option     "UseModeline"                "true" 

        Option     "FixPanelSize"               "true" 

Issues remaining are that the bootscreen still blanks out as soon as 
initialising the graphics card. I can live with that. However someone else 
might not, when running into the same problem as I: lack of console/X11 when 
installing is a killer. I got over it as follows:

- Install to the target hard disk on an another box, known working.
- set a distinct hostname, you will need it for sshing into that box
- make sure you have ssh installed, configured and verfied working (was not 
obvious to me as I normally work with non ubuntu flavours of linux, where ssh 
is up by default)
- transfer the target hd to the target box
- boot and wait, check your lan's dhcpd and/or named
- note ip given by dhcp and ping the host by IP or name, once successful:
- ssh into the box and play with xorg.conf until it works

Regarding the still not working boot console: this is a ubuntu problem 
beginning from 8.04 and up. i tried all falfours of ubuntu that I could get 
reasonably get hold of past and including 8.04. None of them worked. I also 
tried random distros I know. Knoppix 5.01, 6.2 worjked straight way, boot 
console and X11, so did Damnsmallinux and SuSe 9.3. SuSe 11.1 had the boot 
console but x didi not automagically work. I did not iterate on Suse 11.1 as I 
had console access via ssh in the mean time to emc 8.04. Based on my long time 
knowledge with Suse, and the now won knowledge I would guess the same xorg.conf 
options or others could probably solve this. 

Leaving the situation with the boot console is bitter, but I cannot afford more 
time into this matter as of now. Actually, My deadline was tonite, if no 
solution I would have baught another dustproof box and ditched the one now 

Thanks all for the great hints. The hreally helped me a great deal.


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