Yeah, yeah, I can hear the groans already...  ;-)

Anyway, I was able to find my archive of stuff that I've been saving 
on tandem setups, but I'm not really sure the solutions talked about 
apply very well to the machine I'm tying to bring up here.  My 
machine is a two axis machine, using the X and Z axis.  I want to 
gang two steppers on the X axis, and have one set of limit switches 
and one home switch for that axis if I can get away with it.  I was 
going through all the manuals over the last couple of days, and am 
starting to get an inkling of understanding with HAL.  Somebody, I 
think it was Jon, mentioned gantrykins, and lo and behold, I came 
across Jeff Epler's old blog and the three files he has listed there: 

As I was reading through the files, I noticed they seemed to apply 
more towards a servo driven system than a stepper, and also seemed 
geared towards having a homing switch for both servos, which I 
realize would be necessary since position knowledge would have to be 
updated for both.  Since I'm using steppers, with no position feed 
back, do I really need something as complicated as this, especially 
since I'm trying to get away with using just one home switch?

Another question regarding tandem drive setups - when running through 
stepconf, and getting to the window where I select the pins on the 
parallel port, to gang the steppers, is it as simple as selecting the 
same axis for the second stepper and reversing the output?


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