Jeff Epler wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:55:00AM -0800, Klemen Dovrtel wrote:
>> Would it be possible to make/compile hal modules for standard
>> communication protocols like i2c, 1wire, uart,... For instance, I
>> would like to connect a 1wire temperature sensor directly to parallel
>> port for monitoring/control the temperature of machine/process. Has
>> anybody tried this?
> It depends whether the protocol will work within the constraints of HAL.
> Here, the timing constraints are probably most relevant: each
> base-period you can sample an input once and change an output once.
> Each period is displaced from its ideal time by up jitter, which in many
> cases is nearly half as long as the period.
If he is just interested in machine temperature, then it might work to 
do this one bit
per servo cycle thing.  But, I am guessing a one-wire temp sensor has a 
maximum clock
period, as it has to run off internal capacitors when sending the temp 
data back.  (There are other
serial protocols that have a separate power pin, so this may not 
apply.)  Some of
these devices send relatively few bits of data and can do so as fast as 
a parallel port can
go.  So, I think a short routine that just runs for 30-50 us bit-banging 
the port pin could
do it.  HOWEVER, the Maxim part I think you have in mind is not like 
that, and it runs
about 50 us per bit.  And, it needs its parallel port bit to reverse 
direction once for
every bit sent.  The only parallel ports that can reverse direction are 
the 8 data lines,
and they are all write, or all read.  The Maxim DS18S20 has a "time 
slot" of 60 -120 us,
per bit, so it can't be read at one bit per servo cycle.  Maybe you 
could set up the
BASE_THREAD time to satisfy this, but it sounds like a VERY wrong way to go.
Yes, you might be able to make it work, but you'd be compromising so 
MUCH stuff
in EMC just to get this one sensor working.


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