> PWM is unlikely to be able to generate voltages that are stable enough 
> for a servo drive.  To increase smoothness of the PWM, you need to 
> either use a faster PWM base frequency or use a larger RC filter.  Using 
> a fast PWM makes the resolution lower (for a given processor/crystal), 
> and using a large RC filter makes the response slower.  You'll have to 
> find a good balance of PWM resolution and filter frequency.
> Incidentally, you could make something that does a more direct 
> conversion to analog, but it's still iffy as to whether it would work 
> well.  Just use a simple circuit to do quadrature edge detection, and 
> have that trigger a short duration one-shot.  The one-shot goes into an 
> averaging filter and an amplifier that can invert the output depending 
> on direction (the quadrature circuit would need to have a DIR output pin 
> as well).  The faster the pulses come in, the higher the output 
> voltage.  It more or less uses the quadrature data as the PWM.
> - Steve
  I had thought about that, but in order to respond to low speeds, you 
would have to make the filter respond very slowly.
  If you were to try to make a quadrature to tachometer that would give 
full voltage at 5000 RPM with a 1024 pulse (256 finger) encoder then...
5000 RPM * 1024 counts = 5,120,000
5,120,000 per minute / 60 seconds = 85,333.3333 pulses per second
1 / 85,333.333 = 11.719 micro seconds for the pulse length

to have the filter respond to 100 RPM
100 RPM * 1024 counts = 102,400
102,400 per minute / 60 seconds = 1,706.666 pulses per second
1 / 1,706.666 = 586 micro seconds for the pulse length
This would be about 2 KHz
50 RPM would need about 1KHz filter

if we use a 10 bit timer/counter clocked at 10MHz
10,000,000 / 1024 = 9,765.625
nearly 10 KHz
With 5000 RPM divided by 512 increments you get 9.765625 Hz for the 
least significant bit's resolution, while needing only a 10,000 Hz filter
Since servo threads are usually set at 1KHz, I believe 10 KHz tach 
signal might work.
I KNOW there are inexpensive uControllers out there that can clock their 
timers at 10MHz, some might be able to do it at 50MHz allowing 45KHz 10 
bit, 22.5 KHz 11 bit, 11.25 KHz 12 bit or 2.44 RPM for the Least 
Significant Bit at 11.25 KHz.  To do that with a pulse generated off 
each quadrature state change would require a filter corner frequency of 
41.666 Hz.
  The filter corner frequency is set by the counter's clock frequency, 
and the counter's resolution. At very low RPM the counter is still 
counting at 10-50 MHz.  I realize the filter frequencies I'm stating are 
too high to properly filter out the AC portion, but this gives an idea 
of the relative corner frequencies, and response time of the DC voltage.

  So, as I mentioned before, this is still in the idea stage, but I 
think it has merit.

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