> spad...@sover.net wrote:
>> You can simulate index using a timer on the A channel.  A goes to input,
>> output is Z (and goes to the encoder component).  There are HAL
>> components
>> called "timedelay" and "debounce" which might be useful for this.  Set
>> the
>> timeout to something longer than the short pulses but shorter than the
>> long pulse.  Just note that either option will delay the index mark by
>> the
>> delay/debounce time.
> The problem with this is the delay would need to be proportional to
> speed.  Any fixed delay would only work over a small range of spindle
> speeds.  If you can afford a couple extra sensors, then you can set them
> up in quadrature alignment to count gear teeth, and rig some special
> indicator to make the index pulse.  Hall sensors can detect sheet steel
> "flags", or an aluminum strip can break the beam of an optical sensor.
> This will work over a very wide range of speeds.

OK, that's a good idea.  If there are two sensors spaced such that only
the longer element can activate them at the same time, the two outputs can
be ANDed together to provide the index.

- Steve

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