
> On the basis that I owe all the devs a fair number of beers already:

> Pause is hit:
> Save all modal parameters (spindle speeds, coolants, all variables-I
> don't think we can allow changes to any variables)
> Save the motion queue and the fraction of the current move completed.
> Clear the queue
> Allow one straight, linear jog out of the work and save its end point.
> (If you can't get out in one linear jog, sorry)

On a Mazak I ran years ago there was a button I think was TPS (Tool Point
Save). This allowed you to stop in a cut, push the button, move the machine,
push the button, move the machine, push the button. You were allowed three
or four points. You could then move the machine however you wanted, change
tools, reset offsets. When you restarted the machine would feed to the
points in reverse order to return to the program stop point and resume the

I hate to throw cold water on this feature but there were three Mazaks, with
one operator each on two shiftsfor a total of 6 operators. I remember using
it once or twice. I don't rememeber any other operator using it. As an
operator I used more of the features of the control than any other operator.
I explored the control's capability to learn/use everything I could. I
understand I was in more of a production environment - not all production -
probably 70% production/30% tooling.

I can envision someone like John Kasunich using this type of feature more
than most as his production schedule in his ERP system is probably rather
slim and he would be more likely to have complicated programs that would be
hard to pick up exactly where the machine was stopped. If HE doesn't want to
touch the implementation of this feature there is a REAL reason.

I don't want to hijack this thread but while I am dreaming if someone is
going to catalog requested features and begin implementing requested
features I would like to propose the tool length and cutter compensation
offsets be live. By live I would like to change the offset values in the
tool table and have them applied on the next motion block without having to
'reload' the tool table. If the queue would need to be flushed and
recalculated there would be a slight pause before cutting started on the
next line.
If someone is digging deep this would be something I would like.
Just saying :)

> Allow freeform jogging to do whatever you want to do.
> Hit resume.
> Rapid to the end of the "escape" jog.
> Rapid to the saved position in relative coordinates.
> Compare the current absolute position to the prior absolute position.
> calculate any offsets.
>      if there are any offsets, then add the offsets to all moves in
> the old motion queue.
> Restore the modal parameters.
> Restore the motion queue.
> Continue.
> Right, off I go to the off-license to stock up on Black Sheep and
> airmail envelopes.
> --
> atp
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