Hello everyone.  I had this on the forum for a while: This question goes out to 
any "servo loop" experts out there in EMC2 world.
I understand that EMC2 uses PID to form a control loop when using servomotors, 
but . . .
what if you use a drive that already has its own loop?  For example, my machine 
uses Yaskawa SGM-0xA31x series servos, Yaskawa SGDA-0xAS series analog drives, 
and a Pico Systems PPMC (ENC, DAC, DIO) interface.

These drives receive the encoder signals and redirect them to the PPMC ENC 
card, but have their own PID terms which are set during Autotuning.  So is it 
loop or loops?

What effect do the PID terms in the EMC2 *.ini file have?  I am using just the 
P term right now and it works.  The motors move OK, but I would like to know 
HOW.  Like what is an optimal value for the P term?  Is HALscope the right tool 
for this?  If I use values in the other terms will this form a second nested 
loop?  Is that better?  What about other INI entries like DEFAULT_ACCELERATION, 

Sorry if this has already been covered before, but I couldn't find it. There is 
a lot more stepper info out there than servo.

Thank you, and by the way . . . EMC2 is awesome!

servo newbie getting loopy

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