On 10/1/2010 4:26 PM, Don Stanley wrote:
> Hi All;
> To support the Mill upgrades to EMC2 I purchased
> two D510MO with 2GB RAM each and the MI-100
> chassis.
> (If anyone is interested, the extra $12 and got a)
> (temporature speed controlled fan cooled chassis)
> (with two 4 inch wide slots and one 5.625 inch wide)
> (slot and room for the extra cables)
> The problems are:
> On both computers, when I boot EMC 8.04 live disk, in
> the "No Change to the Computer mode" using a
> USB external CD/DVD drive. All goes well until after
> the orange rectangle goes back and forth then the screen
> goes to text only with the following message:
> udevd-event[1293]: run_program '/sbin/modprob' abnormal exit
Peter already addressed this one.
> On Computer #1 EMC 10.04 live disk, No Change Mode,
> boots fine. Seems to take 10-15 minutes. When done the latency
> test does nothing. When I attempt to load a example
> machine configuration (.ini and .hal files) also nothing.
> All ubuntu function sceme to work fine.
> On Computer #2 EMC 10.04 live disk, No Change, loads
> for 5- 10 minutes and starts an endless string of the following messages:
> [ nnn.nnnnnnn] SQUASHFS error unable to Read directory Block [287e7275]
> [ nnn.nnnnnnn] SQUASHFS error unable to Read metadata cache entry [287e7275]
> Can someone tell me the problem. (I sure hope it's me)
Hmmm. Are these two computers booting from the same CD using the same 
external CD/DVD drive? The error message on Computer #2 is telling us it 
(or, rather the software loader) thinks the file system recorded on the 
CD appears faulty. That makes me lean toward Peter's suggestion that you 
reburn the CD. You might try another drive to burn it on as well.

I'm really puzzling over the behavior of Computer #1, since it seems to 
have booted. Have you opened a terminal and run the command "dmesg" to 
see what has been reported during the booting process? If so, do you see 
anything untoward? Error or warning messages?

I assume when you say the latency test does nothing, you are speaking of 
starting the test from the gui (Applications/CNC/...Latency Test). Try 
starting it in a terminal windows ("/usr/bin/latency-test", or just 
"latency-test") and see what messages you get. If its working, you'll 
see none. The test will start and a new "EMC2/Latency Test" window will 
pop open.

Let us know what you find.


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