You can't get rotary motion within a canned cycle.

The documentation alludes to this:
    Rotational axis words are allowed in canned cycles, but it is better
    to omit them.  If rotational axis words are used, the numbers must
    be the same as the current position numbers so that the rotational
    axes do not move.  
The documentation isn't exactly accurate about the current
implementation:  If the canned cycle G-word and the rotational axis word
appear on the same line, it's currently rejected with an error:
    G81 ... A90
but if they appear on subsequent lines, it's accepted but the behavior
is probably not what the operator desired:
    G81 ...

A future version of emc will correctly tighten the use of incorrect axis
words in canned cycles.  It will consistently reject ABC no matter what
the active plane is.  If the active plane is in the XYZ family, it will
reject UVW.  If the active plane is in the UVW family, it will reject

I've chosen to hold this change until the next new-feature relase of emc
(e.g., 2.5.x).  It won't be in 2.4.x for a number of reasons.  First,
the way to avoid this problem is simple (don't specify the rotary axis
words where they won't have the desired effect).  Second, just in case
there are existing part programs out there with the rotary motions
specified and that *do* work as intended (for instance, because they
respecify the current rotary axis position) , I don't want to cause them
to be rejected in a bugfix update to the software.

I'm also not against allowing all axis letters in canned cycles, but the
difficulty of implementing that is much greater than the difficulty of
just adding the proper checks to make sure that whatever is accepted
will behave sensibly.  The assumption that only 3 axes are moving during
a canned cycle is seen pretty thoroughly in the canned cycle code.


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