On Sat, 2010-11-06 at 18:47 +0100, Ulf Dambacher wrote:
... snip
> Hi Kirk
> Two possible solutions for you:
> first:
> Do you run ladder logic? if so, on wich thread?
> if it's the servo thread, you could use ladder counters and flip a pin.
... snip
> second:
> you could write a comp module with two functions and a global counting var.
... snip
> bye
> ulf

Thanks Ulf. This is what I have so far:

It requires charge-pump to be loaded in the servo thread while the
strobe component is in the base thread. I need to clean up my component,
variable and pin names to make this component clean, lean and generic. I
was hoping to have this component stand on its own, but I'll just add
the it needs charge-pump in the documentation.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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