Hello, folks!

I have a question about compiling EMC2.
I have EMC 2.4.3 installed on my PC in a "regular" way.
I want to implement some changes in Axis GUI, so I got the source of
EMC2 through GIT and did "checkout v2.4.3". I have changed the
/home/vie/emc2-dev/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/scripts/axis.py and now I
want to compile EMC so that these changes would be reflected in the
regular installation of EMC. If I will run these commands:
 $ cd src
 $ ./autogen.sh
 $ ./configure
 $ make

EMC will be compiled with the default "run in place" option and I will
have 2 separate EMCs. At least that is what happened the previous time
I tried it.

What am I missing here and how do I compile the changes of
/home/vie/emc2-dev/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/scripts/axis.py into regular
installation of EMC?

Thank You in advance!


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