S, Tom Easterday piše:
> I have a charge pump board that wants a 3000-15,500Hz signal.  That is slower 
> then my base-thread so I want to create another slower thread for the charge 
> pump.
> I have tried many combination using loadrt threads but can't get it to work.  
> The problem (or one problem) is that threads says that the threads should be 
> created in order of fastest to slowest.  In my kinematics.hal file I am using 
> EMCMOT to create a base thread of 21600 and servo thread of 1000000 so when I 
> try in my_machine.hal to do
> loadrt threads name1=cp-thread period1=125000 it complains that it is faster 
> then the existing servo thread.
> But I don't see a way to create the thead in EMCMOT.  I have also tried 
> creating all three in loadrt threads but that fails because it appears that 
> the servo thread is getting created even if I remove the specification of the 
> period from EMCMOT config.
> Any ideas?
> -Tom

You run base thread at 46kHz and if you put charge pump here you got one 
half of that (23kHz). If you charge pump has declared such wide span 
then it's build around diode/capacitor circuit and higher frequency 
doesn't hurt here. So just try with you base thread, it's should work.

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