On 01/20/2011 11:28 AM, Steve Blackmore wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 11:12:54 -0500, you wrote:
>> Which one?  If you cd into the gladevcp directory, and run the command
>> ./gladevcp -H?
>> Or the other one that attempted to use the full path?
> Both :(
> There is no file called gladevcp in the emc-dev/lib/python/gladevcp
> directory or anywhere else according to search for files??
> Steve Blackmore
Ah, okay, then where did you install gladevcp?  I noticed you had 
installed glade, but did you actually install gladevcp?  ;-)  If you 
did, then to find the file, cd to /, then type: "sudo find . -name 
gladevcp -print" on the command line without the double quotes.  If the 
file exists on your machine, that will tell you where the little bugger 
is hiding.


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