On 17 January 2011 05:20, Kirk Wallace <kwall...@wallacecompany.com> wrote:
> I'm a little confused about the bldc comps. My study of bldc so far
> indicates that the top and bottom of three half-bridges need to to be
> controlled, so I though the comps would need six outputs instead of the
> three (3 digital top, 3 PWM bottom). What am I missing?

The currently-released bldc_hall and the half-released bldc_sine are
aimed specifically at controlling the Mesa card three-phase PWM
generator. The input is three float amplitudes, the output is 6
bit-level PWM signals. Except in the case of the 7i39 where the output
is three bit-level PWM signals and on-board cleverness does the rest.

The not-yet-released bldc (no suffix) component provides the output as
three or six float or bit signals for either 6-step (trapezoidal) or
sinusoidal drive.  It does not (as yet) output any PWM signals
directly, though that is something I have considered adding.

With trapezoidal drive there are no adjacent steps where the high and
low side driver states both change, so there is no danger of
shoot-through with non-synchronised PWM signals, so in 6-step mode you
could use ordinary pwmgens on the low-side drivers enabled from the
bldc comp in hTB6 (hall input, 6 bit outputs, forced trapezoidal) or
qBT6 (encoder input, 6 bit outputs, forced trapezoidal) modes.

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