On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 11:18 -0600, Jon Elson wrote:
> John L. Craddock wrote:
> >   
> >  The most common way of establishing real time determinism is to
> eliminate the collisions inherent in ethernet. This is done by
> establising a master / slave strategy with the master calling the 
... snip
> as there is ONE master and one or several slaves.
> But, the slaves would never initiate a transfer.  If the master were
> set to address each slave and wait for the response before addressing 
... snip

(a little bit of a rant)
I'm not sure fixating on Ethernet (and USB, and laptops, and ...) is the
most efficient way to approach this. When you peel away all of the fluff
in Ethernet (or any other buzzword automation protocol), I suspect
you'll get something like SPI or I2C. I tend to agree with Jon, in that
you should have one master, that slaves can pull information from by
either a broadcast or point to point. If I were King of the World, I
would set up a broadcast of a sequence of bytes, lets say 0 to 100. 0
would always be something like X velocity, 1 = Y velocity, etcetera.
This would be a synchronous steam and each slave could pull the data
that applies to their function. The only issues are to have enough
bandwidth and broadcast in real-time. I believe this is the way that the
parallel port FPGA controllers work (but too many wires), and similar to
Modbus (but too slow). SPI hardware is cheap enough even in custom DIY
form, to compete with the economy-of-scale cost of Ethernet.

Write the spec first then, see what technology fits. With open source
one can invent whatever standard you want (EMC2bus?), so one doesn't
need to follow anyone else's lead, including mine of course.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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