Igor Chudov wrote:
> Jon,
> Your suggestion of G92 was good.
> Things are a little finicky. I cannot run already loaded program with G92.
> I have to say G92 from MDI, THEN I have to load (open file) the program, and
> then it works.
> But I at least found one, though cumbersome, way of doing it so I am happy.
> I am thinking that it is a bug in AXIS or the planner that requires me to
> reload a program.
Yes, I'm not sure it is a "bug", but some of the way Axis handles the 
G92 offsets isn't well documented,
or else I messed it.  Touch off does something, and starting and the 
ending or aborting of a program does
something.  What EMC2 itself does with work offsets is perverse, to my 
way of thinking, and Axis tries to gloss
over the EMC2 behavior.  If I use touch off, I am totally unaware of 
what is going on "under the hood".
If I use a G92 explicitly, either in the program or from MDI, I expose 
some of that underlying behavior.
I have never worked with it enough to be fully confident I know how it 
actually works.  I'm pretty sure
it was Chris Radek who worked all this out a number of years ago, and 
that was the main force that
caused me to start using Axis.

Anyway, the last time I tried to use G92, I think I found that if I did 
a G92.1 first, that would zero out
the offset, so the offset could be reapplied with G92 X<something>, 
etc.  If I didn't zero out
the offset, then the next time I applied a G92, it ADDED to the offset.  
Is that what you were seeing?

All this is from vague memory, due to the uncertainty how the thing 
works, I try to use is as little
as possible.

If we can figure out what is really going on, maybe we can improve the 
> I also must say, that I worked with a Hurco CNC mill today. It is a nicely
> designed conversational control, from 15 or so years ago. But I must say
> that EMC is a much more powerful system.
Yes, the truly conversational stuff is pretty nice for one-off 
projects.  We have a couple Bridgeport
EZ-Tracks in our shop at work, and the guys there really never use 
G-code.  But, I really don't
miss it all that much at home, the nature of the stuff I do fits well to 
EMC and the little G-code
writer programs I have.


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